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Air pollution problems in the capital city of Thailand

          Every day, all taxis in Bangkok are emitting 10,800 tons of carbon dioxide per day. One tree can absorbs an average of 9-15 kg of carbon dioxide per year. If we could change all taxis to electric vehicles, it means that we have added 165 million trees for Bangkok.

          We need to increase awareness of Bangkok people of the environmental crisis. It's not just the government to solve the problem but the public and private sectors need to work together. If we do not begin to build awareness regarding to impact of emissions for all sectors, how are we going to reduce air pollution in Bangkok? Many years ago, people in Bangkok had to face the problem of PM2.5 which affected their health and also affects to local economy including tourism as well. Once tourism declines, it will effect to people's income comes. If everyone still silent to the problems, what will be the future of Bangkok?

          Every day, number of taxis 120,000 means we are accessible of public relation 2.4 million people per day. The company has intention to do good thing and build a good society. We start in Bangkok because it is the heart of the country. Therefore, I would like to leave this intention to everyone as well.

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